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#Action #Adventure #Animation #Comedy #Crime #Drama #Family #Fantasy #History #Horror #Mystery #Romance #Sci-Fi #Thriller #War #Western

Screenplay Cover Image for The National Socialists>
Category: TV Series
Logline: As Germany’s democracy crumbles, a desperate power struggle unleashes one of the 20th century's most ruthless dictatorships.
Screenplay Cover Image for Streaks of Lavender>
Category: Feature
Logline: In a dreamlike reimagining of 19th-century America, a young Abraham Lincoln and those around him navigate forbidden love, societal expectations, and personal identity, as their intertwined fates unravel in a world of passion, tragedy, and resilience.
Screenplay Cover Image for When God Speaks>
Category: Feature
Logline: A parasomniac widower seeks the answer of his wife’s untimely death by performing Biblical acts to force a conversation with God
Screenplay Cover Image for Ferrara & The Young Balbo>
Category: Feature
Logline: Through the eyes of a young veteran, the movie recalls the dramatic events that lead to the born of the Italian Agrarian Fascism between 1919 and 1922.
Screenplay Cover Image for Industrial Athens Part II: Ending Child Labor>
Category: Short
Logline: This film, part of the Athens Historical Society K12 Film Retells the demise of child labor in Athens GA.
Screenplay Cover Image for Far Arena>
Category: Feature
Logline: It is 1945. Ripped from this world, hurled into a alien hell scape, a young American soldier must survive a deadly contest against a desperate Japanese enemy in a life and death race to reach a device that can send him home.
Screenplay Cover Image for Yasuka: Legend of the African Samurai, Volume 1>
Category: Feature
Logline: In the 16th century African State of Dande, a zealous young warrior must learn to work with a sworn enemy if he is to prevent the demise of his people.
Screenplay Cover Image for Yasuka: Legend of the African Samurai, Volume 1>
Category: Feature
Logline: In the 16th century African State of Dande, a zealous young warrior must learn to work with a sworn enemy if he is to prevent the demise of his people.
Screenplay Cover Image for The curse of the Plantation>
Category: Feature
Logline: A girl is on a set mission to save her ancestors from the horrid past of slavery while also making her way through life as a teen.
Screenplay Cover Image for The Curse of the Plantation>
Category: Feature
Logline: A girl is on a set mission to find out what happened to her ancestors, she finds help in her love interest. Will her story end in tragedy or will she be successful.
Screenplay Cover Image for The Curse of the Plantation>
Category: TV Series
Logline: A girl is on a set mission to find out what happened to her ancestors, she finds help in her love interest. Will her story end in tragedy or will she be successful.
Screenplay Cover Image for Batman Amethyst>
Category: Feature
Logline: a film for your amusement
Screenplay Cover Image for Biltmore Pilot: Joey's Race>
Category: TV Series
Logline: Following the daily life of garage owner Joey Biltmore and his friends and family in 1950s New York City.
Screenplay Cover Image for Monster War I (MWI)>
Category: Feature
Logline: In a world torn apart, two rival federations fight, using mutant beasts as weapons. war rages on, they face the costs of their actions in a beastly war- torn world.
Screenplay Cover Image for Straight outta of History>
Category: TV Series
Logline: Tamika a college student in New York City lives her toddler and mom and is also expecting. Having a hard time to balancing the two, she tells the story of Alexander Hamilton and his wife through the musical styles of the man who wrote the broadway play Lin Manuel Miranda.
Screenplay Cover Image for The Tale of Maria and Elynnor>
Category: Feature
Logline: Contrasting but Complementary
Screenplay Cover Image for Torso>
Category: Short
Logline: After a string of gruesome killings in Cleveland during the Great Depression, an alcoholic surgeon is interrogated for days on end by a law enforcement officer with a legendary reputation.
Screenplay Cover Image for Never Again>
Category: TV Series
Logline: A righteous man, Noah, is called by God to build an ark to be saved from a flood.
Screenplay Cover Image for "Whispers of Dreams: A Journey to Heavenly">
Category: Feature
Logline: A young aspiring artist, Tsie, grapples with regret and the weight of a dark secret. When his mother, Sweetness, is imprisoned, she entrusts him to his estranged uncle, setting off a chain of events that leads Tsie on a journey of self-discovery and artistic fulfillment.
Screenplay Cover Image for His Perfect Image>
Category: Feature
Logline: Two brothers who are servants for Japan's Imperial Household navigate the aftermath of World War II and develop drastically different perspectives on their emperor.
Screenplay Cover Image for Ohio Penitentiary>
Category: Short
Logline: In 1930 a young aspiring writer moves into the Ohio Penitentiary when his father gets a job as a warden. Desperate for writing inspiration, he befriends the one person he was taught never to talk to - a prisoner.
Screenplay Cover Image for History of Architecture Museums>
Category: Short
Logline: From collector hobbies to milestones: explore architecture museums' origins and evolution in this script
Screenplay Cover Image for History of Architecture Museums>
Category: Short
Logline: From collector hobbies to milestones: explore architecture museums' origins and evolution in this script
Screenplay Cover Image for The Broken Warrior>
Category: Short
Logline: A physically challenged warrior must find her will to succeed as she trains under a renowned swordmaster with unconventional methods.